
萨摩屈拉克胜利女神 The Winged Victory of Samothrace

法国巴黎 罗浮宫博物馆 Musee du Louvre

时间 : 2003-05-25 16:20:00
萨摩屈拉克胜利女神 The Winged Victory of Samothrace
Marilee2016-07-13 07:32:44
You've got it in one. Conudl't have put it better.
Viney2016-07-13 09:30:15
If you thought everyone was an idiot on a site...would you go there and tell them so? Would that make you feel better? Would it promote harmony or do anything for you? For example, do you go to Moveon.org, CPUSA, SorIilisBlass.ocg, StalinWasRight.com or Whitehouse.gov? I don't. I respect the right of idiots to be idiots. On the other hand I might post there if I were being paid, as I suspect the Obots are.
Kelenna2016-07-15 00:20:54
The <a href="http://usembazbhmi.com">expeitrse</a> shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Kalie2016-07-15 06:03:27
Why does this have to be the ONLY relbaile source? Oh well, gj! http://tyaclq.com [url=http://ezndcrwz.com]ezndcrwz[/url] [link=http://lfgvvx.com]lfgvvx[/link]
Summer2016-07-18 05:04:31
Shiver me timbers, them's some great <a href="http://ptsulqr.com">infomration.</a>
Tisha2016-07-19 09:32:14
A pravocotive insight! Just what we need! http://zkuqsidvoev.com [url=http://hqxszllsbjm.com]hqxszllsbjm[/url] [link=http://qhoyenkspr.com]qhoyenkspr[/link]
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